Thursday, April 24, 2014

Dragon Slayer Braum, Dragon Slayer Pantheon, and Blade Queen Lissandra on the PBE!

Exciting new skin's from Riot's visual design department have dropped onto the PBE this week. The skin's revealed "Dragon Slayer Braum" for our new champion, "Dragon Slayer Pantheon" who severely needed some love in the terms of out dated skin options, and finally "Blade Queen Lissandra" who needed a new skin since her other one in my opinion is just a recolor. In terms of spell visuals I believe it's fair to say they will all cost 975rp except Pantheon's who I believe will be 1350 due to the extensive work they did on his spells such as his ultimate in which when Pantheon leaps to the sky he grows fiery dragon wings. While these lot of skins in my opinion are the best Riot has released in awhile, there will always be controversy in how the skins are developed. In this case many fans are irked at how the splash art of Dragon Slayer Pantheon depicts him as almost having dark gun metal grey armor with dark brown trim while in game it's a very light grey with tannish gold trim. Riot has replied to the concerns of the players saying " We've discussed this during skin reviews. We know there's a huge disconnect from the splash.Panth simply needs a model update. Also the splash art is very dark to bring nice contrast from the fire. While it's badass it does create a higher expectation than we can deliver with the current panth model." In addition to these new coming skins, Night Hunter Rengar has made a return to the PBE with the ability to pull his hood over his head when he taunts. Here are the videos and two splash arts revealed of these skins courtesy of So until next time, good luck in the Fields of Justice!

The Hero of Poros joins the League!

Recently Riot has revealed the new champion for their world hit game "League of Legends". His name is Braum and this new character seems to love his mustache as much as protecting the weak. Braum the Heart of the Freljord is the first support character to join since the entrance of "Thresh the Chain Warden" who we all love to hear laughing and see landing hooks left and right provided hes on our team. He is a muscle man with a very stylish mustache "Draven fans beware" who carries around a gigantic ram shield. He seems to be styled like a combination of Alistar, Zyra, Janna, and Yasuo. Yes I said Yasuo and yes your nightmares are real, Braum is equipped with a shield wall just like Yasuo's wind wall. Mind you it is not as resilient as it only blocks the first attack and all subsequent attacks do reduced damage. His passive "Concussive Blows" allows him and his allies to put four stacks on an enemy granting Braum lands the first hit, and when the opponent hits four stacks they are stunned and take a bit of magic damage. This effect can not proc on the same enemy multiple times as there is a cool down. Braums Q is "Winters Bite" in which Braum launches a slowing projectile at the enemy dealing damage based on Braum's health, slowing the enemy, and applying a stack of Concussive Blows". His W "Stand Behind Me" allows Braum to leap to an ally increasing their magic resist and armor based on how much Braum has. His E "Unbreakable" is the annoying shield spell Riot gave him also grants him a minor speed boost until he lowers his shield. Finally his R is "Glacial Fissure", Braum slams the ground with his shield sending out a massive long range nuke skillshot that knocks up enemies and applies a massive slow on the ground for a good deal of time. Ladies and Gents, I believe Thresh has been dethroned even more so with this new addition to the League. I very much so believe Braum will see the LCS's Summoners Rift the second he is patched in. In conclusion Riot has produced a great new champion idea. Until next time, good luck in the Fields of Justice!

Top troubles for CLG?!

An unexpected event took place today in the League competitive scene when top lane star for Counter Logic Gaming "Nien" announced he will no longer be playing for long running team.  In an interview with Nien said "Um, the main reason why I'm stepping down is because I'm disappointed in my own play and I don't feel I'm deserving of being on a top three team." In the matches Nien did perform poorly at it was not surprising he was heckled and disrespected by many unhappy fans. In the interview Nien says "Before when I got trashed talked by random fans I would just brush it off because I was super confident in myself and just my play. Whenever I heard I just laughed it off but after awhile I was just in a slump and lost all my confidence I mean it's really really really hard when thousands of people trash talk you all the time". It's not uncommon to hear that league has one of the most toxic player bases in gaming but when you can see it brings a pro player to quitting his team it can be very bad. Many fans on the other side of the fence are mad at the other side's point of view saying things along the lines of "If you know so much then why aren't you pro?" It's easy for me to take a side on this matter because I have firsthand experience with how bad the community has gotten. I wish Nien good luck with his future exploits and here's to hoping CLG makes it to worlds this year.